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Sophisticated investing for all

8 minutes per year to level up your investing with Tradewith Flagship

Hedge Funds benefit from your data. Now you can repay the favor.

Tradewith Flagship helps you invest in top-ranked hedge fund portfolios

Large tracking universe

Investing that is powered by the data of elite professional investors being tracked on Tradewith.
Why hedge funds

Top-ranked portfolios

Investing is about performance. Discover and invest in top-ranked hedge fund portfolios with ease.
One-click buy


Adapt to changing markets like a pro. Replace existing investments with new top-ranked portfolios.
One-minute rebalance

Step 1: Link brokerage portfolio

Access sophisticated investing right in your brokerage account where your money sits. Linking your account to Tradewith takes less than a minute and your data stays private to you.

Step 2: Subscribe to and buy Flagship

Flagship does the heavy lifting so you don't have to. It automates discovery of top-ranked portfolios, selection of stocks from those top-ranked portfolios and also updating the holdings periodically. It even notifies you when these updates happen so you can update your portfolios. Level up your investing by first subscribing to Flagship and then buying it with "one-click" via Tradewith's app.

Step 3: Rebalance

Rebalance your portfolio every 45 days to keep your investments updated. It only takes a minute on Tradewith's app. Flagship notifies you when to rebalance.

About Us

At Tradewith we know a thing or two about sophisticated investing. Our founder spent a decade+ on Wall Street creating investment strategies for elite institutional investors including hedge funds. Sadly, elite hedge funds are accessible only to the ultra-wealthy and that isn't about to change any time soon. Tradewith was founded to level the playing field. We make sophisticated investing accessible to the rest of us.

Who did we create Tradewith for?

Tradewith is a self-directed investment platform. We provide you with tools and information. But only you can make the determination if a portfolio is suitable for you. We are not investment advisors and cannot do that on your behalf.

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